Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word omniscient is derived from Latin roots. The prefix omni- comes from the Latin word omnis, which means all or every, while -scient is derived from the Latin verb scire, which means to know or to understand. When you combine these two parts, you get omniscient, which means knowing all or having complete knowledge. In English, it is used to describe someone or something that has unlimited or all-encompassing knowledge and awareness, often in a religious or philosophical context to describe a deity or a god who possesses all knowledge. Omniscient is an adjective and omniscience is a noun – their endings indicate that.

Definition of omniscient:
adjective, having or seeming to have unlimited knowledge
In the novel, the narrator’s voice takes on an omniscient perspective, providing insights into the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.
Many religious texts depict God as an omniscient being who possesses complete knowledge of the universe.

Collocations with omniscient:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Omniscient narrator: refers to a narrative point of view in literature where the narrator knows all the thoughts and feelings of the characters.
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the omniscient narrator provides insights into the thoughts and emotions of Scout Finch as she grows up in the American South.
2. Omniscient God: often used in religious or philosophical discussions to describe a deity believed to have complete knowledge of everything.
According to Christian theology, God is often portrayed as an omniscient deity who knows the past, present, and future of all creation.
3. Omniscient presence: refers to a sense of all-knowing or all-seeing presence often used in a figurative or metaphorical context.
The artist’s work conveyed an omniscient presence, as if the eyes in the painting were watching you from every angle.
4. Omniscient perspective: used to describe a viewpoint or narrative style that provides a comprehensive understanding of a story’s events and characters.
The documentary offered an omniscient perspective on the natural world, showing the interconnectedness of all living creatures.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word omniscience has its etymological roots in Latin. The prefix omni- in Latin means all or every, indicating completeness or totality. The Latin verb scire means to know or to understand. The suffix -entia in Latin is often used to form nouns denoting a state or quality. When you combine these elements, you get omniscientia in Latin, which means the state or quality of being all-knowing or having complete knowledge. Omniscience is a noun and omniscient is an adjective and that’s the main difference between these two words.