Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: changing the order of the letters in a word is a common mistake, especially when we add the -ing ending to English verbs. However, as you cannot change anything when you add the -ing to the verb -to be, the correct form is being and not bieng.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the verb -to be is the most basic and well-known verb in English, it even appears in a famous Shakespeare sentence – to be or not be, that is a question. Nevertheless, many users of English are confused while adding the -ing ending to the verb. The matter is simple, though, as you do not change anything so what you get is simply the word being.

Definition of being:
1. noun – when somebody or something exists,
The oceans are full of strange beings.
2. verb – gerund of -to be,
I don’t mind being at work long hours as long as it is well-paid.

Expressions and collocations with being:
Some popular expressions and collocations with the word are as follows: human being, well-being, all things being equal, for the time being.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling