Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: abcent is a spelling error. This word should be written down as absent. If you look at its etymology, you’ll clearly see that. The noun comes from Old French absent. This mistake may occur due to the similarity of two consonants – it’s easy to confuse the -s consonant with the -c consonant, but absent is the only correct version.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word absent is a very well-known word in the English language. It comes from Old French absent, ausent absent, and Latin absentem (nominative absens). As you can see, the etymology indicates that the third letter in this word should be -s, not -c. If you’re unsure how to spell a word, always look at its history, because it can be very helpful. Absent is the only correct version and abcent is just a mistake.

Definition of absent:
1. adjective, not present at a usual or expected place
The teacher noticed that several students were absent from class today.
The missing documents were a clear sign that something important was absent from the file.
2. verb, go away or remain away
The CEO had to absent himself from the meeting to take an important phone call.
She decided to absent herself from the party since she didn’t know anyone there.
3. preposition, without
The report was deemed incomplete absent the necessary data.
Absent further evidence, the judge dismissed the case.

Collocations with absent:
Some most commonly used collocations include: absent from, absent-minded, remain absent
She was absent from work for several days due to illness.
I’m so absent-minded today; I can’t seem to remember anything!
He decided to remain absent from the meeting as he disagreed agree with the agenda.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling