Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the term camaraderie has its roots in the French language. It is derived from the French word camarade, which originally meant roommate or comrade. The French term, in turn, has its origins in the Spanish word camarada, meaning chamber mate or companion. On the other hand, comradery is a more recent variation, formed by adding the -ery suffix to comrade, similar to the way words like bakery or winery are formed. While comradery is derived from the same concept of comradeship, it is considered a less traditional or standard spelling compared to camaraderie.

Definition of camaraderie:
Noun, mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together
As they faced the difficulties of the expedition together, the climbers developed a deep camaraderie, relying on each other for encouragement and support.
The community event was designed to promote camaraderie among neighbors, with games, activities, and shared moments of laughter strengthening the sense of connection among residents.

Collocations with camaraderie:
Some of the most commonly used collocations include:
1. Strong camaraderie: describes a robust and deeply connected sense of friendship and mutual support.
The shared challenges of the project created a strong camaraderie among the team members.
2. Sense of camaraderie: refers to the overall feeling or atmosphere of friendship and solidarity within a group.
The annual retreat was designed to build a sense of camaraderie among employees, fostering a positive workplace culture.
3. Team camaraderie: highlights the camaraderie specifically within a team, often emphasizing collaboration and unity.
The success of the sports team was not only due to individual skills but also to the excellent team camaraderie.
4. Warm camaraderie: conveys a sense of friendliness, comfort, and positive interaction within a group.
The warm camaraderie among the group made the volunteer experience even more fulfilling.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: camaraderie and comradery are essentially synonymous terms that convey a sense of friendship, mutual trust, and a spirit of cooperation among a group of people. Both words are used to describe the quality of relationships within a team, organization, or community. In practical terms, the difference is primarily a matter of preference and regional usage. Camaraderie is generally considered the more standard and widely recognized term, while comradery is a slightly more modern variant. In most cases, you can use either term based on personal preference or the style guide you’re following.

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