Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: both CC’d and CC’ed are commonly used and considered correct in the English language. They are both abbreviations of the word carbon copied or courtesy copied and refer to the practice of sending a copy of an email or document to additional recipients besides the primary recipient. In more formal or professional writing, CC’d is generally more widely accepted and preferred. The apostrophe before ed indicates that the word has been shortened by omitting the letters arbon copi.

Definition of CC’d:
verb (past tense, past participle), send a copy of an email to (a third party).
After finalizing the report, I CC’d the project manager and the department head to keep them informed about the progress.
The HR department CC’d all employees in their email announcement about the upcoming company-wide training session.

Collocations with CC’d:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. CC’d list: this collocation refers to the list of additional recipients included in an email or message.
The agenda for the meeting was sent to the CC’d list, which included relevant stakeholders.
2. CC’d for transparency: this collocation implies that someone is being copied on a message to ensure transparency or to keep them informed about a matter.
The board members were CC’d for transparency, allowing them to stay updated on critical decisions.
3. CC’d for information: this collocation indicates that someone is being copied on an email or document solely for the purpose of providing them with information.
The legal team was CC’d for information, even though their input wasn’t directly required.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: CC’ed is the past tense and past participle of the verb CC (carbon copy) or ccing. It is commonly used in the context of email communication and refers to the act of sending a copy of an email to additional recipients, apart from the primary recipient. The term originates from the use of carbon paper in older typewriters to make duplicate copies of documents. Both CC’d and CC’ed are acceptable and widely used forms. The difference lies in the style of punctuation, where one uses an apostrophe before ed (CC’d) and the other uses an apostrophe after cc (CC’ed).