Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the right word is a mix of verb and suffix. Describe (to explain how something looks, for example) + ion (typical suffix used for creating a noun from a verb or an adjective) = description, not discription.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: as a word is a combination of the verb describe (to characterize, present something) and a suffix -ion (used for making nouns from adjectives or verbs), it is mistaken to change the middle vowel e into i, therefore discription is incorrect spelling.

Definition of description:
noun, explanation of how something or someone looks like, what they like
This painting is a better description of his feelings than his diary.

Idioms and phrases with description:
to be beyond description, above something that you can understand, much bigger or greater than you expected: I could talk about him all day: hair, face, and the smile that is beyond any description!
of every description, means of every category: This amazing concert, where songs of every description are going to be sung is next week.
beggar (all) description, nearly impossible or very difficult to explain: Her laziness beggars all description, you have to see this to believe!

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling