Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: happened is a typical regular verb in the past form, which is created by adding the -ed ending to the base form, which in this particular case is happen. The spelling of the word is easy, but as the pronunciation doesn’t suggest that there is the -e letter in the -ed suffix, many users of English spell happened as happend, which is incorrect.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: happened is a common English verb and its base form is to happen. The form with the -ed suffix is the past form of this verb. Happened is a word with quite a long history as its origin can probably be found in Old English. It had a slightly different form in Middle English as it looked as hapnen or happenen, but in late Middle English, it already had the form of happened.

Definition of happened:
1. verb – the past simple form, to exist or to appear by chance;
A funny thing happened to me today – I met my old classmate at the conference.
My daughter happened to find my distant relative through social media.

Phrases with happened:
Happened appears in many phrases, for example:
1. happened on something – to find something by chance;
We were completely lost, but after an hour we happened on the street which looked familiar and finally reached our hotel.
2. happened so quickly – to appear really fast;
It all happened so quickly that I can’t even remember the mugger’s face.
happened along – to go to a place without planning it earlier;
We were supposed to come back home after just one drink, but we happened along a really nice pub and stayed there for the whole evening.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling