Correct spelling

if I was

Correct spelling, explanation: both if I was and if I were are used in conditional sentences, but they are used in different contexts. If I was is used in the past tense when the condition being talked about is a possibility or a reality that could have occurred in the past. If I were is used in the present or future tense, especially in hypothetical or unreal situations. It is often associated with the subjunctive mood. In more formal or traditional grammar, the subjunctive mood is preferred for hypothetical or unreal situations.

Definition of :
Phrase, a conditional statement used in the past tense. It is employed to discuss a condition that is seen as a possibility or a reality that might have occurred in the past
If I was at the party last night, I might have missed you in the crowd.
If I was the one who left the door unlocked, I apologize for any inconvenience.

Collocations with :
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. If I was wrong: this collocation is used when someone is expressing a willingness to admit a mistake or error if it turns out that they were incorrect.
I would admit it if I was wrong.
2. If I was mistaken: similar to the previous example, this collocation is used to apologize or acknowledge the possibility of being wrong or making a mistake in a particular situation.
I apologize if I was mistaken about the meeting time.
3. If I was late: this collocation is used when someone is acknowledging the possibility of arriving late for a scheduled event or activity.
I would understand if I was late, but I promise to be on time next time.
4. If I was misunderstood: this collocation is used to express the possibility that the speaker’s words or intentions were not clear and may have been misinterpreted by others.
I want to clarify if I was misunderstood during our conversation.

Correct spelling

if I were

Correct spelling, explanation: the main difference between if I were and if I was lies in their usage in the English language, particularly in conditional statements. If I were is often used in hypothetical or unreal situations, especially in the present or future and it is associated with the subjunctive mood. If I was is used in the past tense when the condition being discussed is a possibility or a reality that could have occurred in the past. It is not strictly associated with the subjunctive mood.