Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word lens is the correct spelling, and lense is not a recognized or standard spelling in English. The reason you can’t spell it as lense is because it’s just an error. The correct English word for the optical device that focuses or disperses light is lens. Language often has irregular spellings that don’t necessarily follow strict phonetic rules, and lens is one such example. It’s important to use the correct spelling to ensure clear communication and accuracy in writing. Using the incorrect spelling lense might lead to confusion or be seen as a mistake by readers familiar with the standard English spelling.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the correct form is lens. The spelling lense is not correct in standard English. The word lens is an established term with a long history of usage in optics, photography, and various fields. Lens has been consistently spelled this way over time due to its etymology and linguistic development. It’s important to use the correct spelling in order to communicate effectively and adhere to standard language conventions. Lense is a common misspelling and is not recognized as the proper form of the word.

Definition of lens:
noun, a piece of transparent substance, usually glass, having two opposite surfaces either both curved or one curved and one plane
The photographer carefully adjusted the focus of the lens to capture the intricate details of the delicate flower.
The scientist used a powerful microscope with a specialized lens to study the structure of the tiny organisms.

Collocations with lens:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Microscope lens: the lens of a microscope used to magnify tiny objects for detailed examination.
The scientist carefully cleaned the microscope lens to ensure accurate observations of the cellular structures.
2. Prime lens: a lens with a fixed focal length that doesn’t zoom, often chosen for its sharpness and optical quality.
The prime lens is perfect for capturing portraits with a beautiful bokeh effect.
3. Wide-angle lens: a lens that provides a wide field of view, making it ideal for landscapes and architecture.
The wide-angle lens allowed her to capture the entire building’s façade in a single shot.
4. Macro lens: a lens designed for close-up photography, enabling detailed shots of small objects or subjects.
The macro lens revealed intricate details of the flower’s petals and pollen.