Correct spelling

log in to

Correct spelling, explanation: both log in to and log into are correct, but their usage can depend on the context and personal preference. The first form treats log in as a verb phrase, and to is used as a preposition to indicate the destination or purpose of logging in. The second form treats log into as a single verb. It’s a more modern and streamlined construction that has gained popularity, especially in digital and technological contexts. Both forms are widely accepted and understood, and you can choose the one that fits your writing style and the conventions of your context.

Definition of log in to:
verb phrase + preposition, to access a digital account or network, typically by entering personal credentials
Please log in to your account to update your payment information.
I had to log in to the company’s portal to access the latest project documents.

Collocations with log in to:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Log in to your account: refers to accessing a personal or user account on a website or system.
Make sure to log in to your account to view your order history.
2. Log in to the platform: indicates accessing a specific digital platform, software, or application.
Users need to log in to the platform to access their subscription content.
3. Log in to the website: describes accessing a website by providing login credentials.
Customers must log in to the website to make purchases.
4. Log in to your email: signifies accessing one’s email account for reading, sending, or managing emails.
He logged in to his email to check for important messages.

Correct spelling

log into

Correct spelling, explanation: log in to and log into have similar meanings, but they differ in terms of usage and style. The first one is a verb phrase, and the second one is a single verb and a preposition. In terms of meaning, there is no difference between the two. They both refer to the action of entering a secure system, website, or application. The choice between log in to and log into depends on your writing style, the context in which you’re using it, and your personal preference. Just be consistent in your usage within a particular piece of writing.