Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word stucked is incorrect, as it’s based on the assumption that stuck is a present form, while it’s already a past tense of the verb stick. This would mean a double past tense, which is not used in English. What is more, stick is an irregular verb, so it doesn’t use the -ed suffix to create the past tense. If you’re unsure about the spelling of irregular verbs, it’s best to memorize them all, as there is no simple principle for creating them.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: stuck is a past tense of the verb to stick. The verbs may seem too different to be related, but it’s because it’s an irregular verb, meaning that the past tense is not created by simply adding -ed, but by changing the internal structure of the base word. In this case, stick becomes stuck and there is nothing more added to this word.

Definition of stuck:
1. To put something into something else; insert, push
I stuck my hands into my pockets to find some change.
2. To find oneself unable to move from somewhere
My car stopped working, and I was stuck in the middle of nowhere.
3. To keep close to someone
I and my friends all stuck together up until the end of university.

Idioms and phrases with stuck:
stuck with – to find oneself in a situation when you can’t get away from something/someone
I wasn’t assertive enough and now I’m stuck with my sister’s kids for a whole day.
to be stuck in a rut – to fall into a routine and be unable to get out of it.
She found herself stuck in the rut, an endless cycle of working, cooking, watching TV, and nothing more.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling