Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the origin of the word success can be found in the Latin words successus and succedere. That is the reason why in spelling the word success has a double -c letter and a double -s letter, which often causes some spelling problems among English users.

Definition of success:
1. noun – it’s when we achieve something desired and we become successful because of that;
Defeating so many strong opponents was her great success.

Collocations with success:
Some typical collocations include: international success, a chance of success, wishing somebody every success;
Her fashion company has flourished and soon we will witness its international success.
It’s a risky business and the statistics say that a chance of success is no more than 60 percent.
It’s such a pity that you leave the company, but naturally, we wish you every success in the future.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: words that cause the most trouble when it comes to spelling are those which feature double consonant letters. One of such words is success, which is characterized by a double -c and a double -s letter. However, it is confusing for many English users and they often spell the word success as sucess, which is wrong.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling