Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: an English verb suggest derives from the Latin form suggerere which meant prompted or suggested. It actually combined two other Latin words, which were sub and gerere. When it comes to English suggest appeared in it in the 16th century. In modern English suggest is a widely used verb both in written and spoken English.

Definition of suggest:
1. verb – to propose an idea or a plan so that it could be considered by others,
I suggest that we start studying if we want to pass our final exams.

Phrases with suggest:
Some popular phrases with suggest are: suggest ways, suggest changes, and seem to suggest.
Don’t be so stubborn and let me suggest a few ways to solve this task.
Your project is good, but I would suggest a few changes to make it really good.
All the evidence seems to suggest that it is John who stole the money.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: suggest is a word that is quite frequently misspelled as both – native users of English and its speakers – tend to forget that the -g letter in suggest is doubled. As a result, a common mistake is to spell the word as sugest. This spelling, however, is wrong and the only correct form is suggest.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling