Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word tomorrow features a single -m letter and a double -r letter. However, English users often get confused about that and a frequent spelling mistake is to write tomorrow as tommorow. The latter form is wrong, though, so make sure you spell the word right.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: tomorrow is an English word with a long history as it has its origin in two English words, which are -to and -morrow. The word morrow means the following day and in Old English, it used to have the form morgen. Later, the word changed to the form tomorrow, which we use today.

Definition of tomorrow:
1. adverb – refers to the day after today or to the future generally;
I don’t go to work tomorrow as it is Saturday and it’s always my day off.
I’m going to meet with a therapist tomorrow to discuss my mental health and see if there are any areas that need improvement.
She is really excited about tomorrow because it’s the day of her first date with someone she met online.
Tim has a lot of packing to do tomorrow, but he’s determined to get everything he needs for his trip.
Forget about the past and focus on tomorrow as only that you can still change.

Idioms and phrases with tomorrow:
Some common expressions with tomorrow include:
jam tomorrow – refers to something nice which is promised, but actually never happens,
My boss is always promising me jam tomorrow, but somehow I haven’t seen any pay rise for ages.
today (name of a place), tomorrow the world – the expression is used when we express hope that the achieved success will continue,
The company is expanding really quickly – today Europe, tomorrow the world.
tomorrow never comes – the future is usually uncertain and that it is nearly impossible to predict what will happen,
he keept telling himself that he’ll start working on the project tomorrow, but somehow tomorrow never comes.
tomorrow is another chance to get it right – every day provides an opportunity to improve upon the previous day,
She didn’t do very well on her exam today, but she’s going to study harder because tomorrow is another chance to get it right.
tomorrow is a promise – the future is something to hope for and to look forward to,
We’re looking forward to tomorrow because we know it will bring new opportunities and possibilities.
tomorrow is a mystery – the future is unknowable and unknown,
They have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but they’re excited to find out.
tomorrow is the unknown future – the future is a mystery and anything could happen,
We’re a little nervous about what the future holds, but we’re also excited to see what tomorrow brings.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling