Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the base form of the word unnamed is name, which has the prefix -un and suffix -ed added. However, many English users make a mistake and think that there is only one -n letter in the word, which gives an incorrect form unamed. The -n letter needs to be doubled so the only correct spelling of the word is unnamed.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the origin of the word unnamed is of course name, which comes from the Old English form nama. The word, however, has Latin and Greek origins in the expressions nomen and onoma. Today, the word unnamed is a commonly used adjective.

Definition of unnamed:
1. adjective – if a thing or a person is unnamed, it means that their name is unknown or not mentioned,
Some unnamed, young man saved her life yesterday, and now she would like to thank him but has no idea how to find him.

Collocations with unnamed:
Some common collocations include: unnamed person, unnamed source.
Some unnamed person left this message for you and said that you need to do what is written there.
The police got crucial information from the unnamed source so we believe that the case will be solved soon.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling