Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: Xerox can be used as a verb meaning to photocopy. The term has become so widely recognized that it has entered common usage as a verb, even though it originated as a brand name. On the other hand, Zerox, while understood due to its phonetic similarity to Xerox, is considered incorrect when used as a verb meaning to photocopy. Using Zerox in this context could be seen as a misspelling or mispronunciation of the brand name. Therefore, it is best to stick with Xerox when using it as a verb to avoid confusion and maintain correctness.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word Xerox has its origins in the name of the company that developed the first commercial photocopying machines, Xerox Corporation. The term Xerox is a coined word and a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. It is derived from the Greek words xer- (meaning dry) and -ography (meaning writing). Therefore, Xerox essentially means dry writing or dry copying, reflecting the xerographic technology used in their photocopying machines, which involves dry toner and electrostatic charges to produce copies. On the other hand, Zerox is not the correct term or a variation with its own etymology. Zerox is a common misspelling or mispronunciation of Xerox due to its phonetic similarity.

Definition of Xerox:
1. Verb, to copy on a xerographic copier
Could you please Xerox these important documents for our meeting tomorrow?
I’ll Xerox the contract and send you a copy via email.
2. Noun, a copy of something written or printed on a piece of paper, which has been made using a Xerox machine.
Please make a Xerox of the report for each team member.
I need to keep a Xerox of this document for our records.

Collocations with Xerox:
Some of the most commonly used collocations include:
1. Xerox toner: the ink used in Xerox machines to create copies.
The Xerox toner cartridge needs to be replaced; the copies are coming out faded.
2. Xerox document: a document that has been duplicated using a Xerox machine.
I’ll send you a Xerox document of the presentation slides for your review.
3. Xerox service: services offered by Xerox Corporation, such as maintenance and support for their products.
We signed up for the Xerox service package to ensure timely maintenance of our office equipment.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling