Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: 13th is the correct form because the full form is thirteenth, thus the suffix is -th (the same as at the end of the word). 13rd is incorrect because the suffix -rd occurs only in the case of the ordinal number third (so in every ordinal number which ends with third, for example, 33rd, 653rd). Therefore 13th is the only correct way we write this number down.

Definition of 13th:
numeral, the ordinal number between 12th and 14th
In Judaism 13th birthday is when a boy is regarded as ready to take part in public worship.
I think it’s like 13th time today I tell you to cover your mouth when you sneeze!

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: this form is mistaken since the ordinal number thirteenth ends with -th, not -rd, so -th should be added to the number form: 13th. -rd is reserved for number third and any other number ending with third. This is why 13th is correct and not 13rd.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling