Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: 51th is the incorrect abbreviation of the ordinal number fifty-first. When first, as long as second and third, is a part of an ordinal number we should use the appropriate ending, but not -th like in all other ordinal numbers. In the case of the fifty-first, the correct version is 51st and not 51th.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: 51st is the correct abbreviation of the ordinal number fifty-first. Ordinal numbers containing: first, second and third are exceptions, just like those first three ones. This means that the ending -th cannot be used in 51th, because first is a part of this ordinal number and the correct version is 51st.

Definition of 51st:
numeral: ordinal number between 50th and 52nd ;
I like cookbooks very much, and this one is 51st in my collection.
I am the 51st person in this line, I will probably spend the whole day waiting here!

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling