Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: recieve is a misspelled version of a verb receive. This verb comes from French receivre, which originates from Latin recipere. In the English language, the spelling is similar to the direct French ancestor, hence the right spelling is receive and not recieve.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: receive is a verb that originates from French receivre, which came from Latin recipere. The English version is close in spelling to the French one. Therefore the correct form is receive and recieve is a spelling mistake.

Definition of receive:
verb: – to get or be given something
I received a phone call from the job I have applied for with an invitation for an interview.
– to meet someone at arrival or to welcome officially
My boss ordered me to receive our guests at the airport.
– to get a radio, television, etc. signal
They had to check if their radio received a signal every time before going on-field practice.
– to show one’s feelings as a reaction to a situation or person
She received a standing ovation after her first performance.

Idioms and phrases with receive:
be on/at the receiving end: suffering from an unpleasant treatment having done nothing to deserve it
Working in customer service often means being on the receiving end of aggressive behaviors.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling