Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: carring is incorrect as it lacks the letter y. We don’t skip the last y when adding -ing ending to a verb, therefore the correct form is carrying. We only skip e if it is the last letter of the word to which we want to add -ing. Here however carrying is the correct form.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: this is the correct form as carry is the base verb here, so to create the form carrying -ing ending is added. There is no need to skip y. We only omit the last letter adding -ing if this last letter is e. This means that carrying is the correct form and carring is not.

Definition of carrying:
verb, gerund form of carry, hold and move something
Mary is carrying Simon’s baby! Can you believe it?
noun, an act of holding and moving something
I’m so tired of carrying this, can you help me?

Popular collocations with carry:
carry a baby
carry drugs
get carried away with

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling