Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the origin of the word academy is in the Greek word Akadēmos – the name of a Greek hero that was used as the name for the garden where Plato taught. Later the word entered Latin and French and finally it reached English in the times of Middle English in the form academy that we know today.

Definition of academy:
1. noun – a type of organization that was formed to protect or develop such disciplines as art, language or science,
She graduated from the Royal Academy of Art with distinction.
2. noun – a type of school that trains people for a specific job,
If you want to get into the police academy, you need to take a physical fitness test.

Collocations with academy:
Some interesting collocations include:
1. Academy Award – another name for Oscar – the American prize for best films, actors, and actresses,
The film won last year’s Academy Award for best documentary.
2. military academy – a type of school where future officers are trained,
The competition was high, but somehow he was accepted at the military academy.
3. police academy – a type of school in which future police officers are trained,
He dropped out of the police academy after just a few months.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: an English word academy has a rather simple spelling and pronunciation, but still English users often make a mistake by writing it with a double -c, which gives an incorrect form accademy. It probably results from the fact that in English the -k sound is often represented with a double -c in spelling. In this case, however, the only correct version is academy.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling