Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word access comes from the Latin forms accedere and accessus. The form access appeared in Middle English, but it had a different meaning than today as it referred to a sudden attack of illness. Later, over the centuries, the meaning of access has evolved to the one we know today.

Definition of access:
1. noun – to become close to a place or a person,
What is the fastest access to that village?
2. noun – to have an opportunity to do something,
You will be provided with a special card that gives access to all the rooms in the building.
3. verb – to be able to enter a place;
Wheelchair users can access the building by the back entrance.

Collocations with access:
Some most commonly used collocations include free access, restricted access, gain access, refuse somebody access;
There is free access to the Internet in the whole building and around all the facilities.
For safety measures, we decided to have restricted access to the hospital grounds.
Once you enter the password, you will gain access to the website.
A moment after they fired me, the company refused me access to the computer system.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: access is an English word that features two double consonants – c and s. However, many learners and even native speakers of English get confused and a common spelling mistake is to write the word access as acess, which is incorrect.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling