Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: also is spelled with a single -l letter in the middle, but many English learners and even native speakers think that also combines the words all and so, which results in allso. Double -l in this word, however, is incorrect, so pay attention to spell it correctly. Correct letter order is also important which is why the spelling aslo is incorrect.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word also has its origin in Old English alswā and it had the meaning of quite so, which is similar to the one it has today. Also is a popular English word, which is used both in spoken and written language as well as in formal and informal contexts.

Definition of also:
adverb – in addition to,
He is a skilled teacher. Also, he is an excellent writer.

Collocations with also:
The word also often appears in the expression not only, but also – we use it when we join two, often shocking, matters,
Not only was he unfaithful, but also unreliable – you could never count on him.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling