Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: beautiful is the correct form, and as this word seems to be quite problematic, we will try to explain two common mistakes in beautyfull (y instead of i and double l). Firstly, beautiful is spelled with i, because we change the y (as in noun beauty) to I when adding suffix endings if a word ends in a consonant before y (we don’t do it only when a suffix starts with i, for example -ing). Another issue is one l at the end of beautiful. We spell the word this way because the suffix -ful is always spelled with one l, despite its meaning (to be full of). This suffix is very often mistaken due to the word full being spelled with double l. Due to the rules mentioned above beautyfull is an incorrect form.

Definition of beautiful:
adjective, very pretty, full of beauty
Have you seen that new girl from school? She’s beautiful.
That’s a beautiful picture you’ve painted!

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: there is no such word as beautyfull and this spelling has two mistakes. First of all, it should be beautiful, because according to the rule when a word ends with a consonant + y, this y is changed to i when adding a suffix (it doesn’t apply to suffixes that start with i, like -ing). Therefore it should be beautiful, not beautyfull. Secondly, we do not spell suffix -ful with two l’s, but with one. This is confusing because the word full is spelled with double l.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling