Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the word business comes from the same word family as busy. A typical noun ending is -ness and when we add it to busy, the correct spelling is business. Some English users, however, mix the letters in the word, and instead of business, they write it as buisness.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the history of the word business is very long as it dates back to Old English, in which it had the form bisignis and its meaning was close to anxiety. Later, in Middle English, it was spelled as busyness and it referred to the state of being busy. Finally, in the 17th century, the spelling of the word changed to business.

Definition of business:
1. noun – refers to a company that sells or buys things or services;
We do a lot of business with Asian companies.
2. noun – activities connected with our work;
I’m on a business trip to London next week.
3. noun – a matter to deal with;
What I do in my free time is not your business.

Idioms with business:
Some interesting idioms include:
1. business before pleasure – said to emphasize that duties should go first, before having fun;
I know it’s Friday evening, but business before pleasure, so let’s finish that task, and then we can leave the office.
2. get down to business – to start working,
If everything is clear and there are no questions, let’s all get down to business.
3. it’s business as usual – said when things should stay the same although there are some difficult circumstances to deal with;
I know it’s not the same without Jack, but it’s business as usual so let’s get down to work.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling