Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: both comradery and camaraderie are correct spellings of the word, and they have the same meaning. The choice between the two often comes down to personal preference or regional variations in language. Comradery follows the pattern of forming nouns from the word comrade, emphasizing the sense of friendship and solidarity among individuals who share common interests, goals, or experiences. Camaraderie is more common and widely accepted, especially in American English. It is often preferred in formal and standard usage.

Definition of comradery:
Noun, a feeling of friendliness, goodwill, and familiarity among the people in a group
The intense training fostered a strong sense of comradery among the team members, creating a bond that extended beyond the playing field.
The workplace culture encouraged open communication and mutual support, contributing to a spirit of comradery among colleagues.

Collocations with comradery:
Some of the most commonly used collocations include:
1. Team comradery: describes the sense of friendship and solidarity within a team.
The success of the project was not only due to individual efforts but also to the strong team comradery that developed during the collaboration.
2. Military comradery: refers to the comradery experienced among individuals serving in the military.
The soldiers spoke highly of the military comradery they experienced during their time of service.
3. Sports comradery: highlights the sense of mutual support and friendship within a sports team.
The sports team demonstrated exceptional comradery both on and off the field, creating a supportive and cohesive environment.
4. Workplace comradery: refers to the comradery and positive relationships among colleagues in a workplace.
A positive workplace culture promotes comradery among employees, fostering a collaborative and productive atmosphere.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: camaraderie is a more commonly accepted and widely recognized term than comradery. While both camaraderie and comradery are used to convey the sense of friendship, mutual trust, and solidarity among a group of people, camaraderie is generally considered the standard spelling and is preferred in most formal and professional contexts. Comradery is a variant that has gained some usage, and it is essentially a modern formation derived from comrade. However, it is not as widely accepted or established as camaraderie.

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Incorrect spelling