Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: despite the fact that there are words beginning with contra (contraband), the word controversy can be properly spelled only with the variant of the word contro. The reason for that is the origin of the word, which is the Latin word controversia. The word as a whole was borrowed to English, and besides some tweaks to make it look and sound more English, the general structure of the word remained unchanged.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: controversy is a word of Latin origin – controversia – consisting of the words contro and versus. It is true that some words in English use other spellings of the word beginning with contr-, in this case, the borrowing from Latin is rather straightforward and no vowel is changed in the process, except, of course, exchanging Latin ending ia to English y, to adjust the word to fit English vocabulary.

Definition of controversy:
1. a public issue causing differentiating opinions and emotions, usually negative
There is a huge ongoing controversy, as it was discovered that some of the country’s politicians launder money.
The world of show business is built on controversy and money.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling