Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: this spelling is wrong because in the original, Latin, word there are just two vowels i; core English verb is spelled distribute – without i before the last syllable. Therefore distribuitor is not correct. The correct spelling is distributor, because we add the suffix -or (or -er) to a verb, when we want to describe a person who does the action described by this verb (for example distributor, teacher, actor).

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the correct form, distributor, is created from the verb distribute, which originates in Latin distribuere – to share, to divide. There is no i before final t in core word, that is why spelling distribuitor is incorrect. The suffix -or has been added to a core word, giving the meaning of a person doing said thing.

Definition of distributor:
noun, someone or something that distributes
We are looking for distributors of our new product.
He used to be a film distributor, but not many cinemas wanted to cooperate with him.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling