Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: a typical mistake made by many English speakers and learners is to simply add an -ed ending to the verb to dry while creating its past simple or past participle form. It gives the form dryed, which is wrong as we need to change -y to -i first and then add an -ed ending, which results in the correct form dried.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the form has its origin in Germanic languages, but it already appeared in Old English. Over the centuries the word has changed its spelling and meaning and today it is a verb or an adjective. It is important to realize that when you want to add an -es or -ed ending to the base form -to dry, you need to change -y to -i and then add -es or -ed, which gives dries and dried.

Definition of dried:
1. verb (past simple/past participle form) – the opposite of being wet or damp,
We dried the herbs in the sun and stored them in jars afterward.
2. adjective – not wet or damp, waterless,
Dried flowers can successfully replace fresh flowers in winter.

Expressions with dried
Some common expressions: dried milk (milk in powder), dried fruit, dried up (when the water disappears e.g. from a lake), dried out (to go to detox from alcohol):
In the case of this cake, it’s better to add dried milk than a fresh one.
Dried fruit is healthy, but has quite a lot of calories so be careful with it when you are on a diet.
The lake dried up after a few months of drought.
He finally dried out after a few months of binge drinking.