Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: dugged is incorrect. The mistake is probably due to the suffix -ed which is added to regular verbs in past form, but there is no such verb as dug in present form – dug itself is past, and the present form is dig. Therefore, here, the correct past form is dug.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: this is the correct past form of the verb dig, since it is an irregular verb. The suffix -ed is added to regular verbs to create past form. Dig however is irregular, so neither digged nor dugged is correct. The correct form is here dug.

Definition of dug:
verb, the past form of dig; to remove ground (soil, sand) creating a hole
If you dug deeper you would find water.
When we were children we dug in the sand just for fun.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling