Correct spelling

en route

Correct spelling, explanation: en route is a French phrase that directly translates to on the way in English. In French, en means in or on, and route means way or road. So, en route signifies being in transit or on the journey to a specific destination. The term has been borrowed into the English language and is commonly used in various contexts. It has become a standard expression in English, and it is used in both formal and informal settings. On the other hand, in route is a mixture of English and French: in is an English preposition, while route is a French noun. We should not use it because it is an incorrect phrase.

Definition of en route:
adverb, during the course of a journey; on the way.
The hikers stopped for a quick break before continuing on their journey, as they were en route to the summit of the mountain.
The package was dispatched early in the morning and is currently en route to its destination, expected to arrive by the end of the day.

Collocations with en route:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. En route to: used to indicate the destination or objective of the journey.
We are en route to the conference in the city.
2. En route from: indicates the starting point of the journey.
The shipment is en route from the warehouse to the customer’s address.
3. En route to becoming: describes progress or development toward achieving a particular status or position.
After years of hard work, she is en route to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
4. En route stop: refers to a planned or unplanned break or stopover during a journey.
The long road trip had a few en route stops for sightseeing and refreshments.

Incorrect spelling

in route

Incorrect spelling, explanation: the confusion between in route and en route likely stems from their similar pronunciation and usage in spoken language. However, en route is the correct term in English, and in route is not a standard phrase for the concept of being on the way or in transit. To improve your spelling and usage, it’s essential to be aware of the correct term en route and its proper context. With practice and attention, you can avoid the misspelling and use the correct expression in your writing and communication.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling