Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: this form is a mistake because there is no need to double l in family. The word is a noun; it’s not created by adding any suffix, so familly is a misspelling. The correct form is family with one l, just like in its Latin origin familia.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: family is the correct form; it is a noun, from Latin familia. There is a single l, just like in Latin word. Familly is a mistake, probably made due to ly sound which may be confused with adverbial ending. Family is however a noun and there are no suffixes, so l doesn’t double.

Definition of family:
noun, a basic social unit, a group of people related by blood or marriage
Our family is not big, my husband has only one brother and no uncles and I am an only child.
Her family will not come to the wedding, because they are against this marriage.

Idioms and phrases with family:
runs in a family, to be a hereditary trait
The red hair definitely runs in Jason’s family.
to sell the family silver, to quickly get rid of something valuable rather than hold on to it in order to get a quick advantage
The company sold the family silver and got rid of the most valuable intellectual property not to go bankrupt.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling