Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: you can’t spell this phrase as goodmorning because it’s not a compound word (like handbook or notebook). It may bring to mind another similar expression, i.e., goodnight. Remember not to spell good morning as goodmorning. Good is an adjective, and morning is a noun, so they should be written as two separate words.

Correct spelling

good morning

Correct spelling, explanation: the phrase good morning should be spelled with a space between the words. Good morning is a common greeting used to wish someone a pleasant start to their day, and it is considered a two-word phrase. Writing goodmorning as one word is not grammatically correct, as it combines the adjective good with the noun morning without proper separation.

Definition of good morning:
phrase, used to say hello to someone in the morning
As she entered the office, she greeted her colleagues with a cheerful good morning.
Every day, I make a point to greet my coworkers with a cheerful good morning to start the day off on a positive note.

Collocations with good morning:
Some most commonly used collocations include: good morning, sunshine, good morning message
Good morning, sunshine, my grandmother said with a smile as she greeted me at the breakfast table.
Every morning, my best friend sends me a good morning message to start the day off on a positive note.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling

good morening

Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling

good moarning

Incorrect spelling