Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: heal and heel are two different words with distinct meanings and uses. Heal is a verb that means to become healthy or whole again after an injury or illness. It is associated with the process of recovery and getting better. Heel is a noun that refers to the back part of the foot below the ankle. It is the rounded, posterior portion of the foot. In order not to make a mistake, use the word that fits the specific context and meaning you intend to convey.

Definition of heal:
verb, to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury
After the surgery, it took several weeks for the wound to heal completely.
Time and supportive friends can help heal emotional scars from a difficult past.

Collocations with heal:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Heal a wound: refers to the process of allowing a wound, whether physical or metaphorical, to recover and become healthy again.
Proper care and antibiotics can help heal a wound more quickly.
2. Heal a broken bone: describes the medical process of mending a fractured or broken bone to restore its strength and function.
The cast helped heal the broken bone in her arm.
3. Heal a relationship: refers to the process of repairing or restoring a damaged or strained relationship between individuals.
Through open communication and forgiveness, they were able to heal their relationship.
4. Heal a rift: describes the act of resolving a significant disagreement or conflict between parties.
It took years of effort to heal the rift between the two neighboring countries.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: although heal and heel are homophones and are pronounced the same way, they differ in meaning. In most cases, heel refers to the anatomical part of the foot, or it may be associated with shoes, particularly high-heeled shoes. Heal on the other hand typically involves getting better or becoming healthy again. By paying attention to context and spelling, you can easily distinguish between heal and heel and understand their intended meanings in different sentences.