Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: ignore is borrowed from the Latin ignorare. As you can see, the word did not change much, it only lost the typical Latin ending -rare, which is typical for verbs of Latin origin. As to why there is still e at the end – it’s most likely due to the fact that ignore was introduced to English not straight from Latin but from the French form ignorer. In this form, the last r was not pronounced, but e was still important, and because of that it has stayed in the modern English form of the word.

Definition of ignore:
1. to act unaware of something or someone
I tend to ignore the signs of the flu until I’m too sick to work.
The government seems to ignore the needs of the homeless and needy.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: ignor kind of fits the pronunciation, but remember that it is not a correct spelling of the word ignore. Sure, the e at the end of the word is silent anyway, but because the word had been introduced to English from French, the e is the remainder of this past, and a generally recognizable pattern in many English verbs. And, even if you just look at it, you can see that intuitively ignore simply looks much more proper.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling