Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: if you’re unsure about the spelling of a word, think about words constructed in a similar manner. In the case of imennse, there are not many words that are constructed in a similar way. On the other hand immense in constructed analogically to many words starting with im- and with a base word beginning with m, such as immeasurable.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: immense is a rather clear-cut borrowing from Latin immensus. The word lost the Latin ending sus which changed to English e, and the rest of the word remained unchanged. Besides etymology, it’s worth noticing that as a general rule words beginning with the prefix in- or im- have double m or n if the base word also begins with it, so if you’re unsure how to spell immense you can think of immeasurable.

Definition of immense:
1. vast, large
On New Year’s Eve, an immense number of people come to New York Square to celebrate.
I take immense pride in my achievements as a doctor.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling