Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: if you know the word inflammation you may be tempted to think that the adjective here is inflammed, but this is not the correct spelling. Inflammation uses different suffixes which dictates different spelling, but let’s look at the correct word: inflamed. In this case, the base word is flame. Then, let’s add the prefix in-. We have inflame, and here we add -ed. We do not double the e, as it’s not needed, so we only add d, and we don’t double m, because again – there already is e at the end, so there is no need to change the base word. And hence, we get inflamed, which is the correct spelling.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: if you struggle with spelling of a word with suffixes, finding the base word should make your job easier. In the case of inflamed, the base word is flame with the prefix in- and affix -ed. When adding the -ed, sometimes the consonants are doubled but notice that the base word here already has e at the end, so we only add d, and nothing else has to change. This is why inflamed is the only correct spelling and there are no alternative variants.

Definition of inflamed:
1. to agitate
The new Star Wars movie inflamed a lot of feelings in old fans, some were positive, others – not so much.
2. about a body: ill, infected, usually swollen and painful area
Don’t pick at your scabs with dirty hands, as they can become infected, inflamed, and hard to heal.