Incorrect spelling

make due

Incorrect spelling, explanation: the correct phrase is make do, not make due. The confusion might arise from the similarity in pronunciation between do and due. Make do is an idiomatic expression that means to manage, cope, or get by with the resources or options available, especially in situations where what you need or want is not readily accessible. It’s about improvising and using what you have to make things work. Make due is not a recognized phrase with the same meaning. Due usually refers to something that is owed, expected, or scheduled to happen.

Correct spelling

make do

Correct spelling, explanation: the phrase make do has an interesting etymology that dates back several centuries. The origin of make do is closely related to the evolution of the English language and the idiomatic expressions that have developed over time. Make do originated in the 16th century and is believed to have emerged from the combination of the verb make and the now-archaic sense of the word do. In older forms of English, do was used in a broader sense to mean to perform, to accomplish, or to manage. Make due is not a recognized or established phrase with the same meaning.

Definition of make do:
phrase, to use what is available although it is not enough or what you wanted
Despite the unexpected power outage, we had to make do with candlelight and board games to pass the time.
With only a limited selection of ingredients in the pantry, the chef had to get creative and make do to create a delicious meal for the guests.

Collocations with make do:
Some most commonly used collocations include:
1. Make do on: to get by or survive with limited resources, especially in terms of finances.
As a student, she had to make do on a tight budget and learn to be thrifty.
2. Make do with what you’ve got: to manage or be content with the resources or options available to you.
The camping trip was spontaneous, so they had to make do with what they had in terms of gear and supplies.
3. Make do with less: to manage or cope with a reduced amount or lower quality of something.
In order to save money, they had to make do with less extravagant vacations this year.
4. Make do with what’s at hand: to use the available resources or tools to accomplish a task, even if they are not ideal.
The workshop was missing some tools, so the craftsman had to make do with what was at hand to complete the project.