Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: married is a participial adjective deriving and getting its meaning from a verb to marry. The rule says that when we make adjectives describing the person or animal from the verb, we add the suffix ed to the base form. In the word marry, we have to also change the vowel y into i and as a result, we have the form married. Hence, the only correct form is married, not maried.

Definition of married:
1. verb, a participial adjective that is derived from the verb to marry; when someone is married he or she is in a state which unites them legally, economically, and emotionally
2. adjective, to be married means to be in a legal union of a man and woman as a husband and wife,
Married couples often have disagreements and quarrels because of money.
After four married years, they are expecting their first child.

Phrases with married:
marry money – marry a rich man or woman to become wealthy as well,
Despite the fact that Anne has married money, she is not happy.
marry below oneself – marry someone who is from a different social class that is lower than oneself,
Jane had married below herself but they had been very happy until her husband died.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: although this word comes from Latin as maritare with one r, maried is the incorrect form. It was changed and since the 14th-century people have spelled this one with two r. Besides, married is the adjective derived from the verb to marry with double r. Forming adjectives from the verbs, you have to add the suffix ed but first, you should change the vowel y into i. As a result, you have just created the form married, not maried which is misspelled.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling