Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: masturbate is an English verb of unknown origin. The only known fact is that the word comes from the Latin forms masturbat and masturbati, but their meaning back then is also unclear. Masturbate entered English in the 19th century and has been functioning in this language since then.

Definition of masturbate:
1. verb – touching or rubbing your sexual organs in order to get sexual satisfaction;
He was trying to masturbate to relax a little bit, but someone knocked on the door so he stopped.

Words and phrases connected with masturbate:
Some common phrases and words connected with masturbate are: masturbation techniques, an#l masturbation, and masturbator.
If you want to masturbate successfully, you need to learn various masturbation techniques.
Honestly, I’ve never heard about anal masturbation before, but I don’t think that I would like to try that.
He loves to masturbate, in fact, I think he’s an addicted masturbator.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: the pronunciation of the word masturbate may suggest that the word actually combines the words master and bait, but in fact, it doesn’t. Still, however, some English users make a mistake and write masturbate as masterbait, which is the wrong form.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling