Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the origin of the word masturbate is unclear and in fact unknown. What is known is that similar words appeared in the Latin language and these were masturbati and masturbat. When it comes to English masturbate entered it quite late as it wasn’t until the middle of the 19th century. Today masturbate functions as a verb.

Definition of masturbate:
1. verb – to touch or rub your or somebody’s sexual organs to get sexual pleasure;
It’s nothing unusual for a teenage boy to masturbate so you shouldn’t worry about that.

Masturbate word family:
A few words which belong to the same word family as masturbate are: masturbatory, masturbating, and masturbator.
If you continue to masturbate every day, you will become an addicted masturbator.
His masturbatory fantasies about that girl made him masturbate a few times a day.
Masturbating isn’t something that only humans do, in fact, animals often masturbate, too.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: spelling of the word masturbate causes some trouble as many English users wrongly assume that the word combines two other English words, which are master and bait. As a result, they spell masturbate as masterbait, which is incorrect and should never be used.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling