Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: mentioned is a word that comes from Latin, in which it had the form mentio and it referred to our mind. It appeared in the times of Middle English and has evolved since then to the form we know today. Mentioned is the past and past participle form of the base form to mention. As before the last consonant, there are two vowels, we don’t introduce any changes to the word but only add the -ed ending.

Definition of mentioned:
1. verb – to say something, without giving any details,
She mentioned that she was considering changing her job, but I didn’t take it seriously.
2. verb – to refer to something or somebody,
I’m contacting you because he mentioned you in the reference letter.

Expressions with mentioned
Mentioned is usually followed by the -ing form or that
She mentioned talking to you about the project yesterday.
Dad mentioned that he would do the grocery shopping after work.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: a common mistake in the verb form mentioned is to double the letter -n, which gives an incorrect form mentionned. It is true that in most cases when a verb ends in one vowel followed by a consonant, we need to double the consonant. However, in the word mentioned, the last consonant is preceded by two vowels. In such a situation we do not double the consonant, but only add the -ed ending to the base form.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling