Correct spelling

more clear

Correct spelling, explanation: the comparative form clearer is formed by adding the -er suffix, a common pattern in English for creating comparative adjectives from one-syllable adjectives. This suffix generally indicates a higher degree of the quality expressed by the adjective. On the other hand, more clear follows a different pattern. When dealing with adjectives of two or more syllables, it’s common to use more before the adjective to indicate the comparative form. This is not a case of adding a specific suffix but rather using more as a modifier to convey an increased degree.

Definition of more clear:
comparative form of the adjective clear, it is used to indicate a higher degree of clarity or transparency in comparison to something else
The revised explanation is more clear than the original version.
After attending the workshop, the steps to complete the task became more clear, and I felt more confident in implementing them.

Collocations with more clear:
Some of the most commonly used collocations include:
1. More clear instructions: denotes more precise or explicit guidance or directions on how to carry out a task.
The supervisor gave more clear instructions on how to complete the project.
2. More clear communication: indicates the use of language or methods that result in more easily understood and unambiguous communication.
Using visual aids can lead to more clear communication during presentations.
3. More clear guidance: refers to more precise and specific advice or recommendations, making it easier to follow.
The mentor offered more clear guidance on navigating the challenges of the industry.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: both clearer and more clear are grammatically correct, and you can choose either based on your preference or the specific context. There is no strict rule that mandates one form over the other. In many cases, both forms are interchangeable, and the choice may depend on the flow of your sentence or your personal writing style. If you’re uncertain, you can stick to the form that feels more natural to you, or consult a specific style guide if you’re writing within a particular set of guidelines.