Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: both nosy and nosey are acceptable spellings, but nosy is more commonly used and recognized in standard English. Nosy is the preferred spelling in American English, British English, and other varieties of English. The term nosy is used to describe someone who is overly curious or inquisitive about other people’s affairs. It likely originated from the word nose, implying someone who sticks their nose into other people’s business. While nosey is also used, it’s less common and may be considered a variant or informal spelling. In formal or professional contexts, nosy would be the preferred choice.

Definition of nosy:
Adjective, too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them
My nosy neighbor is always peeking through the blinds to see what’s happening in our yard.
I don’t appreciate nosy coworkers constantly asking about my personal life.

Collocations with nosy:
Some of the most commonly used collocations include:
1. Nosy neighbor: refers to a neighbor who is overly curious or intrusive about others’ affairs.
Our nosy neighbor keeps asking about our weekend plans.
2. Nosy parker: an informal term for someone who is excessively curious or meddlesome.
Don’t be such a nosy parker; mind your own business!
3. Nosy person: describes an individual who habitually involves themselves in the affairs of others.
She’s always prying into everyone’s business; she’s such a nosy person.
4. Nosy questions: refers to inquiries that are overly intrusive or inappropriate.
I don’t appreciate nosy questions about my personal life.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: nosey is a valid variant spelling of nosy. While nosy is more commonly used and recognized in standard English, nosey is also accepted, particularly in informal contexts. Both spellings convey the same meaning of being overly curious or intrusive. You can use nosey and nosy interchangeably in most situations without any significant difference in meaning. However, it’s worth noting that nosy is generally preferred in formal or professional writing. In casual or informal communication, you can choose either spelling based on your preference.