Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: preety is the incorrect version of the word pretty. Pretty comes from Old English prættig, prettī. Then in Middle English it slightly changed to pratte, prettie to finish the evolution process as current pretty. Through time, the word always had a double consonant t, therefore spelling preety is a misspelling.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: pretty is a word that can be used as an adjective or an adverb that originates from Old English prættig, prettī. Then it evolved through Middle English pratte, prettie to current version pretty. In this process, there were some changes in the spelling, but the constant was double consonant t. Therefore, the correct spelling is pretty and not preety.

Definition of pretty:
adjective: something, but usually someone, attractive in a delicate manner, pleasant to look at;
This little kitten is so pretty I could hold him the whole day.
adverb (informal): in some degree, moderately, quite;
I have a pretty good idea of how she feels after the divorce.

Idioms with pretty:
cost sb a pretty penny: something very expensive;
I can’t accept that gift, this jewelry must have cost you a pretty penny!
not be just a pretty face: a person who is attractive and smart at the same time;
I tell you she is not just a pretty face, she will accomplish great success soon.
not be a pretty sight: a thing or a person that is ugly and unattractive;
Dogs in shelters are not a pretty sight, but if you give them love and care they will flourish.
sitting pretty: be in a favored position;
Thanks to his family, he is sitting pretty in the mayor’s office until retirement.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling