Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word speechless is an adjective derivated from the noun speech referring to the expression of verbal communication. It was already used in Old English, which shows that it is one of the oldest words, having its roots in German. Then in Middle English, it was known as specheles and now it is slightly changed and spelled as speechless. This is the only errorless form that learners of English should memorize.

Definition of speechless:
adjective, silent, permanently mute, unable to express his/her thoughts because of anger or surprise
When the guests saw the bride, they remained speechless.
Watching the news broadcast, John was speechless with shock.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: speachless is an incorrect form of adjective derivated from the noun speech and the ending less. From this noun also the verb speak was made but in this case, this is the exception and the learners of English should simply memorize the proper form. Therefore, the spelling can be confusing but it is important to remember that speachless is incorrect whereas, speechless is the appropriate form of this adjective.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling