Correct spelling

10 am

Correct spelling, explanation: when we talk about time in English we use the letters am or pm, for example, we can say that it’s 10 am or 10 pm. 10 am will refer to 10 in the morning while 10 pm in the evening. Am stands for ante meridiem, which is a Latin phrase meaning before noon while pm stands for post meridiem and means after midday.

Definition of 10 am:
1. adverb – 10 o’clock in the morning,
When it’s a holiday I rarely wake up before 10 am.

Example sentences with 10 am:
Let’s grab a morning coffee at 10 am in the café in the city center.
Students will get the exam results at 10 am on Friday this week.
You wake up after 10 am every day – it’s no wonder that you don’t have time for anything.

Correct spelling

10:00 am

Correct spelling, explanation: while talking about time in English we usually use the letters am and pm. The former refers to the morning while the latter refers to the evening. However, it’s worth remembering that when we write it, we need to leave the space between the number and the am. Therefore, for example, 10am is incorrect while 10 am is correct.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling