Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: 93th is incorrect because the number ninety-third ends with sound -rd, and with the same one it should end in the numeral form: 93rd. th is used for other ordinal numbers (those ending with such sound), as well as other suffixes st and nd. Here however we use rd so 93rd is the correct form.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: this is the correct form of writing ordinal number ninety-third because the word form ends with rd. The same ending is used to end ordinal numeral form, hence 93rd. 93th is incorrect since th is not the sound ending in this word. th is used in many different ordinal numbers, for example, 45th (forty-fifth) or 897th (eight hundred and ninety-seventh). Therefore 93rd is the correct form – as in ninety-third.

Definition of 93rd:
numeral, the ordinal number between 92nd and 94th
She seems to never give up – it was her 93rd attempt!
– Where in line are you? – I’m 93rd.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling