Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: this form is a misspelling because the origin of possible is the Latin word posse (to be able to). It is written with double s and so is English modern word possible. Therefore posible is incorrect and possible is the correct form.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: possible comes from the Latin word posse, which means to be able to, with the suffix -ibilis (-ible). Therefore, as the original word is spelled with double s, possible is the correct form. Posible is a misspelling, probably made due to the fact, that second s in not well heard in pronunciation.

Definition of possible:
adjective, that may happen or exist
You can return your purchase within 7 days or change it to a different item – both options are possible.
We are still waiting for Terry. It’s possible she’s stuck in a traffic jam.

Idioms and phrases with possible:
as soon as possible, in the fastest possible manner
I will try to do this project as soon as possible.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling