Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: absense is the incorrect form of a noun absence. The wrong spelling absense is most likely coming from pronunciation, as in the spoken form we hear s. The IPA of this word is the following: /ˈæb səns /. That leads us to misspell absence as absense. It is also worth knowing that this word came to English from Old French, where it originated from the Latin word absentia.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: absence originates from the Latin word absentia, but it came to the English language through Old French. The spelling in IPA is /ˈæb səns /, which leads us to the possible reason for the mistake. As we hear s in the pronunciation, we can easily write it down as absense, although the only correct spelling is absence.

Definition of absence:
noun: -the state where someone or something is not being where it should be or is expecting to be;
He has repeated absences from classes, which cost him to fail the exams.
– the fact of not existing;
In the absence of solid evidence, he was proven not guilty of this crime.

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling